Gatogether - Community Center in Lima, Peru

Open to Welcome
The concept of the proposal is based on creating a space with intuitive uses that
enable different scenarios. From the beginning, all the different demands of use
were considered, generating a multipurpose space, which considers change as a
permanent factor. This expresses itself in the main façade panels: they’re easy to
handle and reposition, and can be removed, allowing a complete opening; when
repositioned, they enable new internal divisions; when removed, they make it possible
to connect the new module and expand the center.

The Public
For this proposal, two target publics were considered: the users, of course, and the assemblers. That was fundamental for decision making when defining the constructive system, joints and the optimization of the need for cutting pieces, and assured that the construction process was always simplified through the design process.
Gatogether - Community Center in Lima, Peru

Gatogether - Community Center in Lima, Peru

Proposition of a new community development center for the informal settlement of Nueva Jerusalèn in the area of San Juan de Lurigancho, a place t Read More
